Thursday, July 12, 2012

real love and a smart phone

last night i bought my first smart phone. i actually feel really grown up, which is funny bc i am 26 years old, which seems like i should already be grown up. :)

at first i wasn't all for getting a smart phone. i wasn't necessarily against it, but probably secretly told myself i wouldn't get one. i don't know why, i guess i just felt i didn't need one. BUT... i'm actually really grateful for it. not only is it awesome! but it's also been really helpful.

this morning i was reading a conference talk on it that reminded me of a few things i have read in a book this summer called "real love." my roommate here recommended it and i have really loved it so far. i haven't read everything and sort of skip through parts, but the thing i really like about it is the way the author talks about real love. he says that it can only be felt when it's freely offered and received. 

he illustrates this principle using a simple story about apples. he says you look out your window and see a man walking toward your house carrying a bushel of apples. you want some so you hurry outside and tell him you haven't had anything to eat all day and no one will give you anything. (he explains the first statement is a lie and the second one presents you as a victim.) 

the man with the apples starts to say something but you dont wait to hear it before you start attacking him and making him feel guilty by saying things like, "i hope you remember all the things i've done for you in the past." (in reality we probably don't say those things but our actions do no matter what words come out of our mouth.) so the man gives you the apples, but what you don't know is that he actually picked them out just for you!

the less is although the man offered his gift freely (real love), you didn't receive it freely, and he says that you basically bought the apples with your behavior--by lying, acting like a victim, and attacking--just as if you'd paid for them with money. and because of what you did, whatever the man gave you could not feel like a gift. if you would've allowed him to offer the apples without your making him give them to you, you would have felt his unconditional concern for you. 

the counsel in the talk i read by pres eyring also reminded me of this principle. 

pres eyring was talking to the men of the church, those holding the priesthood, and he explained four way a priesthood father could lift and lead his family towards the savior.

his second suggestion was to "love your wife." interesting, bc sister dalton last year talked about how the best thing a father can do for his daughters is to love their mother. so important i think, in more ways that just the obvious ones.

so pres eyring said it is imperative to love your wife. he said, "it will take faith and humility to put her interests above your own in the struggles of life. you have the responsibility to provide for and to nurture the family with her while serving others. that can at times consume all the energy and strength you have. if you choose even then to put her happiness above your own, i promise you that your love for her will increase."

i really liked that and it was another gentle reminder to me of how my own love is still very much in the working/developing stages and that there is still much yet for me to learn about loving other unconditionally and freely so real love may be felt. getting these gentle reminders doesn't make me feel distraught though; actually, i really enjoy learning and seeing these gaps because it gives me a sense of direction of where to go and what is possible. so grateful for learning, so grateful for the time to apply it. i feel as though my whole life has been a laboratory and i'm just so, so grateful. :) happy DAY!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

learning about love. :)

i don't even really know where to begin but i cannot believe the summer is almost over, at least it feels like it's almost over bc my time is new york is almost over. and what an incredible journey it has been. (ee! that is my excited squeal :D)

every single day i have been in this city i have seen miracles. and so much beauty! in sometimes very unexpected places. i feel so privileged to have seen these things. i have not been able to write them all down, but the lord has blessed me with an excellent memory and i feel that so many of them are stored securely away with the thousands of other beautiful memories and moments in my life. 

how is the lord so kind, and what does all of this mean to me? this past summer i have thinking about my love for christ. i remember my first sunday here i started thinking about this. i noticed that at church several people shared their feelings of how much love they've felt from him, and it really made me ponder on how much love he feels from me. i know that he loves me perfectly, but what about my love for him?

well, i continue to see that everyday he gives me opportunities to increase that love. my love and gratitude and reverence for christ has become increasingly more sweet and more tangible throughout these past few years, because i have learned what it means and i have felt what it is to rely on him and trust him and exercise faith in him and his infinite atonement. i think elder holland describes it really well when he said in one of my favorite talks called the "bitter cup and the bloody baptism." he said we may speak of knowing the truth or having the truth, but only one who is confronting error, however painfully or however slowly, can properly speak of loving the truth. and then he said, "and i believe that god intends us to someday honestly and truly love him--the way, the truth, and the life."

i testify that the joy that can be experienced and tasted during this mortal probation is real. for me, that joy has come through exercising faith, changing what i can change (aka, repenting), honoring my covenants, and moving forward while relying on his help. 

the gospel of jesus christ is so wonderful. i know these things are true more than i know anything else, and i am so grateful for this knowledge and peace. i still have so far to go but i am so excited for this journey. the future is so bright. i. can't. wait. !! :)