example #2.
[relevant background] so as i mentioned in the last post. grades came out on friday. i dont know how to express my feelings with a sound spelled out into a word or an emoticon. maybe --> :*/ ? i'm not sure. anyway, it has been an interesting thing to go through. and one thing i'm learning is how to just be ok without resolving everything right now. truthfully, i don't know exactly how i feel about grades, and that would normally kill me! i just want to know how i feel about things. but i'm ok with not knowing for now and just being and embracing "now," even if it's not complete.
[example of love and thus why i am grateful] all of our professors know it's a really stressful time for us and have talked to us about how grades don't matter and we shouldn't let it get to us and yes probably 90% of us will be disappointed, etc, etc. but one professor, professor jones, to celebrate our "hump day" (the day that we are officially done with the first semester of our first year) decided to make us cookies--camel cookies, with humps of course. and they are frosted with a cute saddle--all different colored saddles. i picked the colorful one bc i like a variety of colors! and i just thought it was really nice. she definitely didn't have to do it, and it took the stress off and made me feel like a little kid in some ways.
[conclusion] another example of love and true concern.
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