Friday, February 10, 2012

gratitude, example #8

again i should be sleeping but i always feel so grateful this time of night! and without sounding cheezy bc that's not what i'm going for and i don't want it to be taken that way, it's just interesting that there is so much all around me that when i open my eyes to see things as they really are i am just amazed. what am i amazed about? i don't know i guess the list really could go on: i'm amazed how much the lord knows me; i'm amazed that i always seem to end up being in the right place at the right time (which is just so funny bc i feel like i'm always trying to be in the right place at the right time, but it seems like it happens most when i wasn't trying. go figure :p); i feel amazed that i'm given the opportunities i'm supposed to have; i meet the ppl i'm supposed to meet; connect with ppl i'm supposed to connect with; hear things in a way that speaks personally and most meaningfully to me; learn lessons that are applicable to what i'm going through/thinking about/pondering right now.  

i guess the other point to this deals with worry. i worry so much sometimes, although wahoo i've gotten better, even in the past few months. :) but i'm still a worrier, but the lesson the lord is constantly teaching me is faith and patience, aka don't worry so much. still do my best, but i just don't need to worry about things that will work themselves out. it reminds me of this quote i remember reading and listening to often by Pres Hinckley a few years ago. he basically says, get on your knees and ask for the lord's help, then rise to your feet and do what you need to do, AND leave the matter in the hands of the lord. you'll find that you've accomplish something beyond price. i really like that. 

goodnight moon, hello beautiful world~

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